

Repairs to the Play Park Equipment

Our apologies to the parents of under-12s, and more so to the under-12s themselves, for the slow speed of repairs to the damaged equipment in the village play park.  Unfortunately, even though some...

Parishes Magazine – September 2021

CHURCH Raise the Roof Appeal The Raise the Roof Appeal got off to a good start with Harry Bucknall’s talk last month, raising just over £1,000 with tickets, book sales and donations....

Parishes Magazine – August 2021

CHURCH New use of Vestry and Kitchen We are delighted that the church is being used for more Village activities and events.  The vestry has been cleared to make space for armchairs, a sofa, coffee...

Parishes Magazine – July 2021

KAREN CARMAN It was with great sadness that we learnt of the sudden death of Karen, which has been a great shock to us all. Inher own quiet way, Karen was an integral part of the village.  She was...

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council