These works involve resurfacing the existing carriageway, the installation of new road markings and the adjustment of surface ironwork. The resurfacing works will commence on Thursday 3rd November...
A303 Stonehenge Pop-up Event – 13th October 2022
Following the community “chatty van” visit in May, the A303 Stonehenge project is running a special follow up event for Winterbourne Stoke and Berwick St James residents, to discuss some of the...
Parishes Magazine – October 2022
GOODBYE We are sad to be saying goodbye to so many friends in the Parish and across the wider Benefice as we move to southwest France on 26th September. We have had so many happy times at the Old...
Parishes Magazine – August 2022
Solstice Festival A big thank you from Stonehenge Campsite to all from the village who attended and supported the Solstice Festival. It was a great success with many of you enjoying the live music,...
Clean It Up And Take It Home
We are receiving a growing number of complaints that a few irresponsible dog owners are allowing their pets to foul footpaths around the village. Some disgusting individuals pick up after their...
A303 Overnight Closure Arrangements For Villagers
Villagers should have already received a card from National Highways advising of a series of full overnight closures of the A303, between the Deptford interchange and Longbarrow roundabout, between...
Temporary disruption to recycling collection service
Due to severe staff shortages, Wiltshire’s waste collection service provider, Hills Municipal Collections, is unable to provide all waste collection services as we would wish. To enable the...
A303 Deptford to Longbarrow full overnight closure for maintenance works Monday 18 July to Thursday 21 July 2022
National Highways operates, maintains and improves England’s motorways and major A-roads. This email is to let you know we will shortly be carrying out essential maintenance works on the A303...
Notice of Vacancy – Parish Councillor
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National Highways A303 Survey