The following is an extract from the opening statement at the Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council Meeting on Monday 8th May 2017, in appreciation of Ian West. The complete version will be published...
Broadband Update – May 2017
Several parishioners have asked about the state of play on the provision of Superfast broadband for the village. Wiltshire Online have provided the following update: "Openreach are still...
Onboard and Online: Wiltshire Council and Parish Council Election Results
The results of the Wiltshire Council and Parish Council Elections were as follows: Wiltshire Council Election: Darren Henry (Conservative) was elected to represent the Till and Wylye Valley...
Veterans’ Gateway
Perhaps unsurprisingly for a village located on the edge of Salisbury Plain, we have a fairly high proportion of households with either current, or more especially, historic links to the Armed...
The Day of the Triffids?
Well, no, not really. Nothing to do at all with John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic novel from 1951 coming to life in Winterbourne Stoke, but those of you around and about in the village and the A303...
Onboard and Online: Update on Arup’s Non-Motorised User Stakeholder Engagement
I've just taken a most interesting and helpful telephone call from Ross Cullen at Arup regarding the Non-Motorised User (NMU) Stakeholder Engagement exercise that is currently underway. There had...
Online and Onboard: URGENT – 1. Non-Motorised User Stakeholder Engagement 2. Wiltshire Council Cabinet Papers
1. Non-Motorised User Stakeholder Engagement The following email should have been sent to the Parish Council two weeks ago. The Chairman was sent a copy of it by a private individual whilst away...
Parish Council Response to the A303 Stonehenge Scheme Public Consultation
The Parish Council has today uploaded its response to the A303 Stonehenge Scheme Public Consultation to the Documents section of this website. This has had to be split into two parts because of...
A Strong Attraction
If you have used the Berwick road over the last couple of days you may have noticed strange goings-on to the east and west of it. A team of folks in high-vis jackets, wombling up and down the...
Work Continues On The New Cabinet
BT contractors were hard at work today, stripping all the phone connections out of the old cabinet (it looks now as though that will be taken away completely) and putting the copper connections into...