We have provided the two key documents for the A303 Stonehenge Scheme Statutory Consultation in the "Documents" section of this website. The first of these is the e-version of the Public...
Gone Phishing
Christmas is coming and so are the crooks. In the last week, we've seen one email account hacked and a new phishing attack. You should all have a fire-walled computer and be running one (and...
URGENT: Are You Having Problems Signing-Up For Fibre
We heard earlier today that one villager, living on Church Street, had been told by an Internet Service Provider that they could not get superfast fibre broadband on their phone line. Unless...
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
The Wait Is Over!
Well, barring any more last minute hitches, it seems that with no fanfare whatsoever, Winterbourne Stoke has been connected up to the outside world with fibre. I know we thought we had been here...
The Last Post?
Well, after the fiasco of last week, BT managed to get nearly everyone in the village reconnected to both telephone and broadband; though we did hear only yesterday (26th July 2017) that one poor...
Winterbourne Stoke Cut Off From The (Digital) World: The Dark Ages Return
The irony of this post is not wasted upon us, as those it is of most interest to are the ones least likely to be able to read it at the moment. Over the last couple of weeks, BT Openreach...
Putting In The Ducting
Anyone who has been looking for signs of BT activity on the Shrewton road over the last couple of weeks would have found it hard to spot anything at all. However, today there were a few signs that...
Broadband News: An Unfortunate Delay
The Wiltshire Online-BT plan to deliver fibre broadband to Winterbourne Stoke has, as mentioned in previous updates, hit some barriers to progress; particularly a crop being planted in one of the...
A303: Latest Comments from UNESCO/ICOMOS On The Highways England Proposals
A second UNESCO/ICOMOS Advisory mission to consider the emerging proposals on the Stonehenge to Berwick Down Scheme occurred in February 2017. The mission report acknowledges the responses to the...