Following a recent serious event in the village, where social media played a part in solving a pressing issue, not to mention all the other things that have been going on in the local area,...
Internet and Digital Inclusion
URGENT: Email Malware On the Loose
It seems that a few villagers have fallen prey to an email malware attack. If you receive an email, seemingly from someone you know (from within, or outside the village) and it has similar content...
URGENT: Are You Having Problems Signing-Up For Fibre
We heard earlier today that one villager, living on Church Street, had been told by an Internet Service Provider that they could not get superfast fibre broadband on their phone line. Unless...
The Wait Is Over!
Well, barring any more last minute hitches, it seems that with no fanfare whatsoever, Winterbourne Stoke has been connected up to the outside world with fibre. I know we thought we had been here...
The Last Post?
Well, after the fiasco of last week, BT managed to get nearly everyone in the village reconnected to both telephone and broadband; though we did hear only yesterday (26th July 2017) that one poor...
Winterbourne Stoke Cut Off From The (Digital) World: The Dark Ages Return
The irony of this post is not wasted upon us, as those it is of most interest to are the ones least likely to be able to read it at the moment. Over the last couple of weeks, BT Openreach...
Work Continues On The New Cabinet
BT contractors were hard at work today, stripping all the phone connections out of the old cabinet (it looks now as though that will be taken away completely) and putting the copper connections into...
A High Fibre Diet For All
Well, a campaign to bring fibre to the village was kicked off back in 2008. This week, we've seen the first visible signs that we were actually going to get it. Back on Tuesday, BT contractors...
Out With The Old, In With The New!
A happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year to you all; 2017 has arrived. It is likely to turn out to be a very important year for Winterbourne Stoke. Possibly this will be one of the most...
Onboard and Online
Now although the majority of villagers have access to the internet, it hasn't escaped our attention that there may be those who don't, or who do have access, but don't yet feel confident enough to...