
Tilshead Borehole Levels: 8th March 2019

After quite a lengthy dry period at the end of February, we've had rain on 6 out of the last 7 days.  Despite this, the rate of rise in the water level in the aquifer has slowed constantly during...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 1st March 2019

Today, meteorologically speaking at least, is the first day of Spring.  I have to confess that I don't really believe we have had much of a Winter this year, it has been so warm.  It's also been...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 22nd February 2019

An interesting week, with very little rain (4.3 mm).  However, rain from the previous two weeks has clearly continued to feed into the aquifer, so the water level has continued to rise, albeit at a...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 15th Febuary 2019

A very interesting week as far as the borehole levels go.  As we've said on a number of occasions over the years, once the water level in the aquifer exceeds the 85 metre mark, the whole system...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 8th February 2019

Apologies for being a day late - the delay was down to heavy rain, traffic on the A303 and the gas leak on the Packway. Well, its been a very interesting week as far as the waterlevel goes....

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 1st Feb 2019

We began the week with a little light rain and ended the week and January with a moderate snowfall.  None of this has had any noticeable impact at all on the rate of increase of the water level in...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 25th January 2019

As predicted, we had a little rain over the last week; around 15 mm.  However, that appears to have had little if any effect on water levels in the Tilshead borehole.  The rate of increase has...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 18th January 2019

After 20 days without rain and with no rain at all this year, we finally got a wetting on Wednesday 16th.  With only 2mm falling in the 24 hour period, it hardly counts as a deluge.  Nevertheless,...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 11th January 2019

Well, well!  Here we are nearly 2 weeks into the New Year and not a drop of rain since late in December.  You might be forgiven for expecting borehole water levels to have fallen, but that is not...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 4th January 2019

The first post of the New Year and water levels continue to rise in the borehole, despite the almost complete lack of rain over the last week.  It just goes to show how saturated the ground was...

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council