Once again, dog fouling has become a major problem on most of the footpaths and bridleways in and around the village, with the footpath to the south of the village, across the meadow, being in a particularly disgusting state. Wiltshire Council’s requirements have relaxed somewhat in recent years when it comes to taking action against those responsible.
If you witness someone in a public place letting their dog foul without cleaning it up afterwards, please report this to the dog warden with as much information as possible, such as:
• Time/date/location of incident
• Frequency of offence if it happens regularly
• Description/breed of dog
• Description of the offender
• A photo of the dog/incident is useful to identify the dog (but cannot be used as evidence)
• Your name/address/phone number
• Name/address of offender if known.
It is difficult to catch offenders without the above information.
Dog wardens have the power to issue fixed penalty notices of £75 to anyone seen not clearing up after their dog.
Failure to do this could lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.
Dog wardens respond to the public’s reports of fouling problems. They carry out patrols throughout Wiltshire, specifically targeting well used dog walking areas.
Bag and bin it, any litter bin will do.
Contact information
The Dog Warden Service
This service is available 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Tel: 0300 456 0107
Email: lostdogs@wiltshire.gov.uk