As we have now had the experience of running the website for a couple of years, it’s time to make a few changes to reflect the way it is being used, or not being used. Some of the changes will reflect ways in which we can worker ‘smarter’ – why publish information ourselves, with all the work that entails, when we can link directly to those with the responsibility for producing that information in the first place?
One of the first changes we are making is to stop publishing the Salisbury Plain Training Area Newsletter on this website on a monthly basis and, instead, link directly to the Ministry of Defence webpage that carries it.

If you want to find it in the future, simply go to the Village Directory section of this website and look, or search, under “S”. You will find all sorts of other useful information there as well. If you look at the entry for the SPTA Newsletter, it will look something like this:

If you click on the website link, you will be taken directly to the HMG webpage that carries the two latest versions of the newsletter. If you click on the Notes link, you get more information and if you click on the bold page title, you will see the Notes section together with more clickable links to useful MoD pages. Have a play, there’s a lot of useful information hidden away in the Village Directory.

Did you know that the website has its own classified adverts section? It was one of the features asked for by parishioners, but its a bit underused at the moment. If you want to advertise something please go ahead, it’s very easy to use – bear in mind that the advertiser (you) are responsible for the content you generate. The Clerk or Parish Councillors would be glad to give you a hand.
Finally, if you have ideas for inclusion on the website, do let us know, we want to make the website and the ancilliary social media links as useful to villagers as possible. Just drop an email to the Clerk at the address at the foot of this page. Happy New Year to you all!