Thanks largely to the organisational efforts of Steve Fair, the Events Committee was given a new lease of life back in June, with the election of a new committee at a very well attended meeting at the Solstice Rest:
Chairman: Peter Stoner
Secretary: Ryan Davis
Treasurer: Angie Carr
We are assured the minutes will follow in due course. The first meeting was followed by another, last night (3rd July), to firm up on a few ideas for events over the summer. Please pencil in the following dates for your diary. As soon as they are confirmed, we will publish more details and add them to the events calendar on the website. So, the first part of the cunning plan is to hold an event over the weekend of 5/6th August 2017. The Events Committee is hoping to lay on a barbecue and an event for kids on the Saturday afternoon, with a quiz and some music in the evening.
On the Sunday, the plan is to hold a Bacon-Butty-Breakfast and Car Boot-type sale. All will be welcome to come along and buy, but sellers will have to be restricted to villagers due to the limited space available.
Other events are in the planning stages for later in the year, including a Christmas Party for the children.
Look on the Forum if you are a budding Quiz star, as the Events Committee are trying to establish if there is any interest in having a quiz night. Similarly, if you have a bright idea for other events villagers might like to get involved in, please feel free to start a Forum topic off yourself to help judge local opinion.