
Summer On the A303

You might have noticed while out and about that there’s some work happening along the A303 between Amesbury and Berwick Down. Highways England is carrying out some more ground investigations surveys –  you can find out more information on what these works involve here: As a member of the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down Community Forum, Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council get regular updates from the Highways England  project team, and have an opportunity to put forward ideas or concerns our community may have. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please get in touch with Jim Carr the Parish Clerk (see contact details at the foot of the page), any of our Councillors, or you can email Highways England directly:

On the other hand, the Commons’ Public Accounts Committee (PAC) say plans for the A303 scheme are at risk unless money for the project can be secured and have urged the Department for Transport (DfT) and Highways England to plan for what alternative financial arrangements could be used if the Treasury does not confirm long-term funding by the end of the year.

PF2 public-private funding was due to be used to finance the road – estimated by the National Audit Office to cost up to £2.4 billion – but in October last year Chancellor Philip Hammond cancelled future deals using that model.

The Treasury released funding of £21.5 million during 2019/20 to allow development of the project to continue.

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council