Halloween Kids Film Afternoon – Sunday 30th October
There will be a children’s Halloween film show on Sunday 30th November at 3pm at the Hub. Refreshments and popcorn will be provided free to everyone from the village. For more information keep an eye out on Facebook or the WhatsApp group .
Halloween pumpkin trail – Monday 31st October.
Every year the village children go Trick or Treating around the village. As most of the children are quite young it generally starts from just after dark for about an hour or so. This year we are looking at providing a map for the children of all the houses who would like to take part, as some of the children can be a little shy in door knocking or some houses get missed out. If you would like to take part please message me (Teresa) on 07801 478474, facebook messenger or email on winterbournestokevps@gmail.com with your address to be included on the map. If you’re taking part please could you leave a decoration or pumpkin outside so we can easily spot the right house in the dark. Alternatively, if you are away or don’t want a door knock but equally would like to take part, you could leave treats at the end of the drive or on the door step. It is always a delight to both the children and accompanying adults to see the houses that have been decorated.
Christmas Wreath Workshop – 18th &19th November
The annual wreath making workshop will be held again this year on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th November, being held at 10.30am and 2pm with a potential for Sunday 20th. Please book by Friday 11th November to avoid disappointment. There will be a £5 donation towards materials but please bring your own foliage and if you require specific decorations. Please email winterbournestokevps@gmail.com or message Teresa Pywell via messenger
Baby Sitting Services
With the festive season coming up with lots of running about, social events and things going on in the village. Milly has offered her services for babysitting at evenings and weekends. Milly works at Farley Nursery so has lots of experience with children, if you’re interested please call her on 07867 917848 for more info.
Village Pantry
The Pantry is well used and on hand to many in the village. It’s funded by cash donations and swaps to keep it well stocked with everyday household essentials and foodstuffs. If you’d like to donate please feel free – it’s located at the Hub.
Winterbourne Stoke WhatsApp Group
As well as our village Facebook page a village WhatsApp group has been set up as there are a few people not on Facebook. It will keep you updated on what’s going on in the village, of any up and coming events and is a way to communicate quickly. If you feel you’d like to be part of it please feel free to contact Tracey Knight either by messenger or on 07956 514137 or Teresa Pywell 07807478474 or email winterbournestokevps@gmail.com with your phone number and we’ll add you on.
Facebook Group: Winterbourne Stoke Notifications Group
The Village Facebook page is a way to keep in touch with each other. Find out about: A303 updates, up and coming events like the Harvest supper and Halloween, Sell it Saturday, Village pantry updates etc. It’s a private group but you can join through invitation from a friend or neighbour. Alternatively, you can email the Clerk at the Parish Council on Clerk@winterbournestokepc.org,uk or the VPS at winterbournestokevps@gmail.com who can add you to the group.
December Dates for your Diary
10th December – pm Christmas Workshop – keep an eye on Facebook and WhatsApp for more details
17th December – Carols around the village from 5pm plus a visit from Father Christmas!
23rd December – Worldwide Christmas Jingle at 6pm.