
Parishes Magazine – May 2021

It was wonderful to be allowed to hold services in church again and very fitting that the first service took place on Easter Day. It was a beautiful sunny morning and really good to be together and also welcome visitors to St Peter’s.
The large wooden cross at the entrance to the churchyard was decorated with a wreath of spring flowers and beautiful drawings, glass art and pebbles done by the children. Thank you everyone for joining in!
Easter Egg Hunt
On Easter Monday, more than 100 eggs were hidden in the churchyard and over 20 children from the village came to find them! A big thank you to Teresa, who provided all the lovely bags of prizes. Fun had by all and some fabulous photographs on the Village Facebook page.

Plant and Vegetable Starter Packs
The VPS have introduced new plant and vegetable starter packs which have been very popular and there are only a few left. There are also small packs of additional seeds (30p) if you would like extra or if there is something additional you would like to try. The packs are suitable for both adults and children alike and are suitable for beginners or if you would like to grow the basics in small quantities. They contain popular and easy to grow vegetables and bee loving herbs and flowers. The pack includes everything to get you going (pots, labels and compost) as well as an information booklet with planting instructions, recipes, children’s activities and lots more. Packs cost £5.00 each to get yours. So if you would like to give growing your own a go please email Angie and Teresa via
Plant Swap
During the months of May and June if you have any excess of plants that you would like to swap or rehome, or even if you are looking for something in particular, you can list them on Facebook in the comments of the plant swap post or leave them at the end of your drive etc for rehoming.
Easter Egg Hunt
In between the rain, sleet and snow flurries we managed to catch some warm sunshine for the Easter Monday Egg Hunt which was held at the village Church. It was great to see so many children running about searching for eggs and making new friends in the process.
Scarecrow Trail
Winterbourne Stoke residents are again invited to take part in our 2nd Village Scarecrow trail which will be held in June. This year a theme has been suggested which is “Characters from a book”. All you have to do is build a scarecrow using whatever materials you have available to you and to display your Scarecrow in your front garden. More information and dates will be announced on the Facebook page and on posters around the village.
Stonehenge Campsite
Are looking for local crafts people who would like a stall to sell their homemade/handmade items at the Solstice Festival.
They will be also holding a tombola in aid of the Little Stars Appeal, so if you have anything you would like to donate they would be very welcome.
The campsite will be holding their Solstice Festival 18-21 June. Admission is free to all villagers. If you would like any further information please contact
Facebook Page: Winterbourne Stoke Notifications Group
The Facebook page has had a few changes to make it easier for you to find certain relevant posts. Take a browse round the page where you will find the village events listed or into the topics section where you can find posts on various subjects such as: Things to do; Reducing waste about the home; the A303 Bypass etc. To join the page befriend a fellow villager who can send you an invite, many people find it an invaluable and fast way of connecting with other people in the village.

Winterbourne Stoke entries
Olivia Dutton collates the news from Winterbourne Stoke to submit to the Parish Magazine. Please contact her via The deadline for going to print is noon of 16th of the month, so please make sure to send it to her by 14th of each month.

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council