We are very pleased to welcome Robin Smith, who recently moved to the village from Shrewton.
Ed Horne
It was with great sadness that we heard the news that Ed died peacefully in his sleep on 14th January. A much loved member of the village, Ed will be sorely missed. A memorial service will be held in the summer, once restrictions are lifted. We extend our deepest sympathy to Alison and Adrian and all the family. A full obituary will be in next month’s Magazine.
It would be lovely to hear your memories of Ed (and Joy) so that these can be included. Melissa Gibbs writes: I started working for Ed and Joy in about 1989 as a cleaner, as Joy was working in London and as it was too much to commute each day. Ed, I think, was at Boscombe Down and he then became an Educational Welfare Officer for the local area. The house was a lot smaller when I first started and was added to over the years. Ed and Joy’s dog, Rusty, was adorable and kept me company while I was cleaning. As far back as I can remember, Ed and Joy always participated in and organised the running of the village, the church being at the forefront. For a few years, the village had a choir, run by Rita Horsefield, and we would meet once a week, Ed accompanied by Rusty who would go round to each of us for attention! We sang at festivals in the Cathedral, even singing the Messiah, always taken there in Ed and Joy’s camper van! Both Ed and Joy would help you out in any way they could. I remember one example of Ed’s thoughtfulness, when my son in his teens had his bike stolen. Ed contacted the others that I cleaned for in the village and they made a collection towards another bike.
When Ed became ill, he never lost his sense of humour and would look forward to our chats. He fought with great courage and I shall miss him. At peace now, Ed. God Bless. Melissa Gibbs
Laurence Rose
Laurence was born in the village on 7th August 1929, the eldest son of Albert and May Rose. He lived most of his life in the village, attending the village and Shrewton schools, but in later years he moved away, buying a bungalow at Bulbridge in Wilton with his brother Ron. Laurence lived with his family firstly at what is now known as the Old Glebe Farmhouse, but at this time was two houses. Their neighbours were the Gray family. The family moved to Cleeve View, a new council house which had just been built by Amesbury District Council. Laurence’s first job was working for farmer Robert Wales at Scotland Lodge and Cherry Lodge Farms. He also helped in the garden of the farmhouse: with his father and brother Ron, they maintained the pumping station in what locally is known as Warminster Bottom. This pumping station pumped the private water supply to Cherry Lodge and Scotland Lodge Farm. Leaving the farm, his next job was working for Mouldings the builders in South Newton. This was the start of a long career with the builders, which took him to retirement. For many years, Laurence brought the firm’s large van home from work each night, parking it in the Bell Inn carpark. With his own privileged transport every night, then came the catch: in these times, Mouldings employed personnel right through the valley from Orcheston to South Newton, so each morning Laurence took the van to Orcheston and picked up all the employees and brought them to the builders’ yard, where they allocated their daily tasks. At knock off time from the yard he reversed the process and dropped all the employees back home after their days work. Laurence is survived by his youngest brother Colin our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this sad time. Ian West
Outdoor Church
Plans to introduce a new activity for young families – Outdoor Church – are on hold for the moment, until lockdown restrictions are lifted.
A gift bag will be delivered at the end of January to every family in the village, containing all the ingredients needed and instructions to make a Christingle. We hope you enjoy making them!
Once again lockdown is upon us and the VPS is attempting to create a little jollity and fun, all within the lockdown rules. We’ll try and find some things to do, interesting and maybe obscure customs and festivals we can celebrate. We are on the look-out for things that are easy to do at home but yet can involve others around the village in their own homes and gardens. Ideally, the events should make a bit of noise, create a bit of colour and should be FUN. No one is compelled to take part, but we would love it if you did. If you have any ideas/ would like help organising one or would like additional information on any of the events taking place please email the VPS on winterbournestokevps@gmail.com or contact one of the committee members.
A number of villagers took part in the first of these ancient traditions. The banging and clanging of pots and pans and loud singing could be heard throughout the village. With many, children in particular, putting their heart and soul in creating as much noise as possible.
Village Bunting
During the Winter Lockdown period, it’s been suggested it might be nice to create something for the village together. If you’d like to take part all you have to do is create a triangle of bunting (or however many you like) whether it be drawn/painted on paper, cross-stitched/appliqued, standard fabric triangles or even a photo printed and triangled. Everyone of any age can take part. Finished triangles can be pinned up on the string with the pegs provided at the church. Templates are available on the facebook group, Parish Council website or hard copies are available in the church.
WS Painted Pebbles
The pebble trail still has pebbles dotted about the village, pesky pebbles love playing hide and seek so look carefully. If you’d like to add to them feel free.
The Village Telephone Box Book Swap
The book swap seems to be very popular over the past few weeks and has had a steady turnover of Books, CDs, and DVDs and for both Children and Adults. Please feel free to come and browse, donate or take away books.
WS Facebook Group
Please join the village Facebook group (Winterbourne Stoke Notifications Group). It is a hive of information and last minute notifications, ranging from traffic information, to local wildlife, what’s on and “Sell it Saturday” (if you wish to re-home anything locally). Many people find it an invaluable and fast way of connecting with other people in the village.
A huge THANK YOU to the Village Preservation Society for the wonderful Christmas Hamper which was delivered by Father Christmas to the ‘village elders’ the week-end before Christmas. The hamper was filled with delicious home-made goodies – a Christmas cake, mince pies, fudge, truffles and mints and a beautiful handmade card. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to produce such delicious treats and organise it all – very much appreciated. Jonathan & Dee Montagu-Pollock
What a lovely surprise it was – A knock at the door & there stood Santa, with his Beat-Box & Land Rover, with twinkly lights. A Christmas Hamper, with lots of Homemade Goodies & a beautiful handmade Card.
What a lovely festive surprise! Christmas had now begun. Margaret West and Debbie Coleman
This is a new feature which we hope to continue each month. We’d love to hear from you if you’ve been part of the village for some time – it’s always fascinating to find out about the history of our village! This month, we’re delighted to share memories from the Family of Margaret West.
Memories of a Village Wedding in 1957.
It is the Morning of the 23rd February 1957 and in the newly built Council House at 1, Cleeve View the Mallett Family are preparing for the Marriage of their youngest daughter, Margaret, to Douglas, the Eldest son of Ernest & Dorothy West of the Bell Inn, Winterbourne Stoke.
The Parish Church of St. Peters is full of Family & Friends and Margaret’s brother John is busy filming the proceedings on his new Cine Camera.
The Reverend, Charles F. Barnard, presided over the Service & Margaret’s two Bridesmaids were Patricia West (Douglas’ eldest sister) and a friend from the Gaumont, Salisbury, where Margaret worked. Margaret can vividly remember her Uncles, from the Channel Islands, lining the Church path, all dressed resplendently in black, with matching trilby’s.
The Wedding reception was held in the new Village Hall (The pride of the Village), which boasted a full-sized Billiard Table, which on this occasion was pushed to the left of the room to accommodate the trestle tables. The Hall was heated by two round fires located on each side of the room, with flues that reached high into the ceiling. The Wedding Gifts included glass & fine bone china, many of which were gifted by the young Jockeys from the Druid’s Lodge Racing Stables, who were frequent Patrons of the Bell Inn.
Once the festivities were over the gifts were handed via a train of hands to the cottage next door, which we now know as “Westcot” and has been their family home for some 65 Years.
Douglas had one more surprise up his sleeve – A Honeymoon in London, where they visited the famous Windmill Theatre and saw a young Bruce Forsyth. Debbie Coleman
Winterbourne Stoke entries
Olivia Dutton collates the news from Winterbourne Stoke to submit to the Parish Magazine. Please contact her on olivia.dutton@outlook.com. The deadline for going to print is noon of 16th of the month, so please make sure to send it to her by 14th of each month.