We are delighted to welcome the Davison family: Paul, Abby and their 3 daughters, Peyton, Brooklyn and Savannah, who have moved to 4 Meadow View. We hope you will be very happy living here!
There will be a service at St Peter’s on Easter Day at 10.00am.
A large wooden cross has been erected at the entrance to the churchyard, ready to be decorated. A big thank you to Jeff Thomas who has made this, with lots of hooks ready for the children to hang Easter decorations from.
An Easter Egg Treasure Hunt is being organised – more information on the Village Facebook page.
Shrove Tuesday
The Great Village Pancake Flip was held, with lots of excellent entries and much fun had by all! Well done to the winners:
Under 10s – the Pywell Family with a total of 68 flips in one minute
Teenagers – the Carr family with a total of 109 flips
Runners Up – the Zacks-McGoldrick family for a valiant effort with a very heavy frying pan! Golden frying pan trophies were awarded (photographs are on the Village Facebook page).
Mothering Sunday
A workshop was held on Saturday 13th March with Angie and Olivia helping the children to make posies and cards to give to their mothers. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and the village bunting fluttered in the breeze as the children busily created their masterpieces! Lots of lovely photographs of these on the Facebook page.
Plant and Vegetable Starter Packs
Have a go at growing your own. With the increase of people interested in growing their own produce, the VPS have put together some plant and vegetable starter packs. They are suitable for both adults and children alike and contain popular and easy to grow vegetables and bee loving herbs and flowers. The pack includes everything to get you going (pots, labels and compost) as well as an information booklet with planting instructions, recipes, children’s activities and lots more. Packs cost £5.00 each. To get yours please call Angie on 07812 382071 or Teresa 07801 478474 or email winterbournestokevps@gmail.com
Stonehenge Campsite
The campsite will be appearing on the popular daytime TV show “Escape to the Country”. The programme will be shown on BBC1, Monday 22nd March at 3.00pm.
Facebook Page: Winterbourne Stoke Notifications Group
The Facebook page has had a few changes to make it easier for you to find certain relevant posts. Take a browse round the page where you will find the village events listed or into the topics section where you can find posts on various subjects such as: Things to do; Reducing waste about the home; the A303 Bypass etc. Please feel free to join the village Facebook group, many people find it an invaluable and fast way of connecting with other people in the village.
Winterbourne Stoke entries
Olivia Dutton collates the news from Winterbourne Stoke to submit to the Parish Magazine. Please contact her on 01980 621247/07760 618078 or olivia.dutton@outlook.com. The deadline for going to print is noon of 16th of the month, so please make sure to send it to her by 14th of each month.