It’s really nice, for a change, to be able to put some good news on the website. We are very pleased to announce that Scooby Sims, the Jack Russell that refused to leave the side of Richard Sims when he fell from his wheelchair on one of the hottest days of the summer last month, has been awarded a PDSA Commendation in recognition of his loyalty and devotion to Richard.
It’s fair to say that both Richard, and Sandy seen here posing with Scooby and the award, were grinning from ear to ear, when Richard received it yesterday. We’ve not seen Richard smile as much for a long time; it was wonderful to watch. Scooby wasn’t really sure what all the fuss was about, but we think the large leather bone heading in his direction will get slightly more attention.
Scooby joins an illustrious list of animals whose remarkable actions have undoubtedly saved, or enriched the lives of their companions. You can find out more about the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) and the Animal Awards Programme here. All the stories are inspirational and we defy anyone to read the citations, particularly those for the Dickin Medal, the animals VC, and not be moved to tears. One of the latest recipients was Mali, a Belgian Malinois, a British Military Working Dog (MWD) who helped save the lives of troops in Afghanistan.