
Tilshead Borehole Levels: Early November 2024

Last year, for the first time in a decade, since we started keeping records, we published a bulletin in November 2023 as the water levels in the Tilshead borehole were considerably higher than the 10-year average.  The graph we produced looked like this (but please disregard the December dates – these are the first 12 days of November 2023).

We had very heavy rain in late October and early November 2023 and the levels rose rapidly over the first two weeks of November; starting below the 10-year average and rising to 88.5 metres Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) by 12the November.  This year is a bit different.  Water levels dropped slowly over Summer, but the River Till never dried up in the village.  We also had an awful lot of Summer and early Autumn rain.  Consequently, the water levels for the first two weeks in November 2024 look like this:

On 1st November 2024, the water level already stood at 87 metres AOD, some 4 metres more than the 11-year average and 6 metres more than last year.  However, with little rain over the last couple of weeks, the rate of increase is slowing and is significantly slower than last year.  Many of you have already commented on the depth of the River Till and it is much deeper than normal for the time of year.

It’s difficult to know what will happen next.  If we have a typical winter precipitation, groundwater and river flooding are distinct possibilities for late December and early January.  Of course, we may have unseasonably dry weather and levels barely rise any further.  It’s much too early to say, but those with properties prone to either type of flooding would be prudent to check pumps etc are working and ready to roll.  The first proper report of the winter season will be published on 2nd December; unless we have torrential rainfall over the next fortnight.  The weather is set to be largely fine for the rest of this week, with wetter spells coming in by the end and running on into the end of the month.  By then, we should start to see the usual procession of Atlantic weather systems bringing in wetter and windier weather.

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council