
Tilshead Borehole Levels: 6th December 2020

The water level in the aquifer has risen steadily throughout the first week of December, but not as dramatically as some might imagine given the torrential downpours yesterday.  Although the run-off caused an immediate rise in the River Till, the rainfall won’t impact the aquifer and the Tilshead borehole until later this coming week. Today, the water level in the Till has fallen.   Overall, the levels are about 3 weeks ahead of the seasonal 7-year average, but as we saw last year, that is nothing to be overly concerned about.

From Tuesday and on to the end of the week we are anticipating showers and maybe a bit more steady rain.  More unsettled weather (and possibly snow – but we know it won’t happen!) in the run-up to Christmas, with a more settled, but not necessarily dry,  spell over Christmas itself.  Into the New Year is harder to predict.  For the moment, you can resort to tossing a coin or expecting tomorrow’s weather to be much the same as today’s – the latter method is only slightly less reliable than the Met Office according to some weather experts.

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council