
The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust – Home Security & Stay Safe Online Schemes

The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust is an Independent charity who work closely with Wiltshire Police to provide an invaluable home security service.  The Trust has been operating this scheme for the past 20yrs helping to secure homes for the elderly, vulnerable & disadvantaged throughout Wiltshire.

Responding to the changing needs of the community the Trust has launched a new scheme to offer advice on keeping safe whilst online.
Through raising awareness about computer fraud and what to do if you have concerns about your online safety the Trust aims to help reduce the risk of this type of crime.
If your are aged over 60, or 18+ registered disabled & have concerns about your Online Safety you can request a home visit or to arrange a group talk.
To enquire about a Home Security check for your home Call01380 861155


For all enquiries regarding the Stay Safe Online Scheme Call: 01380 861191
Or complete the online form by visiting
Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council