
Salisbury Sports and Activity Forum Facebook Page

In August 2019, Salisbury City Council was responsible for the set-up of a Sports and Activity Forum for the City, to allow clubs to come together and work collectively to break down the barriers that they were facing such as participation, facilities and coaching. This has proved successful, with over 20 local sport and activity clubs and organisations now involved.

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the forum has decided to go online with the creation of a Facebook page. This page will allow the local clubs and organisations the opportunity to showcase what they are currently working on, and will include activity videos that the residents of Salisbury can do within the safety and comfort of their own home.

We would like local clubs, coaches and activity leaders to share their knowledge and skills to the residents of Salisbury, using this new page as the platform.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Jeremy Nettle said “I am very pleased that the City Council’s Community Activity Leaders are doing their bit to ensure we ‘stay at home and saves lives’ in making the best of these difficult times through supporting local sporting groups and giving them a platform to upload their activity videos to help keep everyone active at home.”

Please visit and give the page a follow!

If you would like more information, or are not currently involved within the Salisbury Sports Forum and would like to be, please message the page or contact the City Council’s Community Activity Leaders via email at; or

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council