
My Wiltshire – Online Reporting

One of the fastest ways of raising a whole host of issues with Wiltshire Council is by using the My Wiltshire Online Reporting system.

You can use My Wiltshire to contact the council about issues in Winterbourne Stoke, or anywhere else in the county. If you register for an account you will receive updates on your reports progress, but, if you prefer not to register you can submit reports anonymously but will not receive progress updates.
These are just some of the issues you can report using My Wiltshire:
  • Highways and Street Scene issues
  • Footpaths and Byways
  • Environmental Enforcement
  • Abandoned Vehicles
  • Trading Standards
  • Car parks
  • Pot holes in roads
  • Weather emergencies
  • Waste
  • Fly Tipping
  • Fraud

and much, much, more.

You can even get an App for iPhone, Android phones or even Microsoft phones.  You can link to the App Store, Google Play or Microsoft from here.
The reporting side seems to work well.  What is less impressive, at least sometimes, is the speed of response to issues raised.  We are still, for instance, awaiting a response to what was effectively a fly-tipping issue on a byway.  It was raised in August 2015 and an effective response is still awaited.   What does seem to ginger-up Wiltshire Council are issues where there is a safety issue or where they stand to lose money…
Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council