
Inaugural Meeting of the Village Preservation Society: 15th October 2020


The villagers who were instrumental in creating the Village Preservation Society at the start of COVID-19 lockdown now want to put things on a formal footing:

We would like to formalise the Village Preservation Society.

We are therefore calling an inaugural meeting to be held via ZOOM on Thursday 15th October at 7.30pm.

Please contact
Teresa (07801 478474) or Angie (07812 382071) for further details if you would like to attend.


There are three documents you might like to look at in advance of the meeting.  They are:

  • the proposed ongoing role for the Village Preservation Society, here;
  • the draft Constitution, here;
  • an Agenda for the meeting, here.

If you’ve never used Zoom before, it is very straightforward if you have a computer with a built-in camera and microphone, or a modern smartphone.  Comprehensive instructions can be found here.


Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council