We shall be starting our Family Services at St Peter’s Church this Sunday 2nd April and will, we hope, continue thereafter on the 1st Sunday of the month.
The service is short (probably 40 minutes) with popular, well known hymns (at least we hope they are and after the 1st Sunday people will be asked to choose hymns) and readings from the Lion Bible (simple English).
There will be crayons and paper for children who might wish to contribute something (or just need to scribble because they are bored).
Yvonne Allen, Lay Reader, will be taking the service – we are very fortunate to get her on a regular basis.
We hope that this will suit those who are and those who are not regular church goers and provide an opportunity for people to get together and meet each other.
There will be tea/coffee for adults and juice for the children & biscuits for both after the Service.