
Tilshead Borehole Levels: 22nd December 2017

Although there has been relatively little rain during the period, there has still been a slow but steady increase in the water level in the Tilshead aquifer. Despite this, the levels are well below...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 15 December 2017

Given all the rain sleet and, briefly, snow, we had last week 42mm in all. It probably won't come as too much of a surprise that the water levels in the Tilshead aquifer, which had been falling...

Tilshead Borehole Level: 08 December 2017

This is the first bulletin of the 2017-2018 season.  Water levels in the Tilshead borehole are very low (arrowed) and over the last week have actually fallen by 30mm.  There has been a little rain...

My Wiltshire – Online Reporting

One of the fastest ways of raising a whole host of issues with Wiltshire Council is by using the My Wiltshire Online Reporting system. You can use My Wiltshire to contact the council about issues...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 31st March 2017

Well, this is the last of the planned Tilshead Borehole Level bulletins for the winter of 2016-2017.  We've had the most uneventful winter, at least as far as rain goes, in the last 4 years which...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 24th March 2017

We've had a surprising volume of rain over the last week, already making March 2017 the second wettest since we have been monitoring the water levels in the Tilshead borehole during the winter.  ...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 17th March 2017

A very odd week indeed.  As predicted last Friday, with spring well under-way, trees coming into bud, grass growing, and very little rain, the water level in the Tilshead borehole continued to fall...

Tilshead Borehole Levels: 10th March 2017

Apologies for the late publication of this weeks flood report, I've been away in the north.   Well, whilst I've been away spring has well and truly sprung and despite having one day already this...

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council