Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site: Residents Page » The Village Directory

Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site: Residents Page » The Village Directory

Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site: Residents Page

Website: Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site: Residents Page
Photo of Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site: Residents Page

Biographical Info

Stonehenge and Avebury were inscribed together on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List in 1986. The Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites World Heritage Site was one of the UK’s very first World Heritage Sites.

Stonehenge and Avebury gained their place on the World Heritage Site list for their outstanding prehistoric monuments dating back over 5000 years to the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Stonehenge is the most famous and sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world. At Avebury the massive banks and ditches of the henge enclose its largest. Both stone circles lie at the heart of prehistoric landscapes containing numerous impressive and amazingly well-preserved ceremonial monuments.

Categories: Uncategorized
This is a directory of businesses, organisations and locally relevant individuals that are either based in Winterbourne Stoke, or are of interest to villagers and visitors to the area.  As a Parish Council, we believe in advertising the breadth of activities that go on in small, rural communities like our own; activities that have a diversity and global reach that might surprise many.

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Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council