Rett UK » The Village Directory

Rett UK » The Village Directory

Rett UK

Work Phone: Support Helpline: 01582 798 911 Work Phone: General Enquiries and Fund Raising: 01582 798 910 Website:
Photo of Rett UK

Biographical Info

A charity very close to the hearts on many in the village.

Rett UK is the only UK charity which provides professional support to people living with Rett syndrome across the UK.

Rett UK was founded in 1985 round a kitchen table by Yvonne Milne MBE. Since then we have grown to be the leading provider of information to not only families but also medical professionals new to the world of Rett syndrome.

Rett UK supports our families through a national helpline, including telephone, email and social media support, co-ordinate Rett specialist clinics in conjunction with the NHS, organise local support groups, as well as regional days and have a dedicated parental contact network. We also provide training for people who are supporting someone with Rett syndrome whether that is in a school, college,  day centre, supported living, respite or residential setting.

We are a small team working on a national level. We receive NO government funding and rely entirely on donations and grants to fund our work.

Categories: Village Ameneties, Clubs and Organisations
This is a directory of businesses, organisations and locally relevant individuals that are either based in Winterbourne Stoke, or are of interest to villagers and visitors to the area.  As a Parish Council, we believe in advertising the breadth of activities that go on in small, rural communities like our own; activities that have a diversity and global reach that might surprise many.

If you would like to advertise here, please contact:

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council