John Glen MP » The Village Directory

John Glen MP » The Village Directory

John Glen, MP

MP for Salisbury and Wiltshire Conservative Party
Salisbury Office 12 Brown Street Salisbury SP1 1HE Westminster Office House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Work Phone: Constituency: +44 1722 323 050 Work Phone: Westminster – +44 207 219 7138 Website:
Photo of John Glen MP
Categories: Politics & Politicians
This is a directory of businesses, organisations and locally relevant individuals that are either based in Winterbourne Stoke, or are of interest to villagers and visitors to the area.  As a Parish Council, we believe in advertising the breadth of activities that go on in small, rural communities like our own; activities that have a diversity and global reach that might surprise many.

If you would like to advertise here, please contact:

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council