We are pleased to announce that the play park will re-open from around mid-day, tomorrow, Friday 10th July 2020. Please note that the Parish Council has still not received a response from its insurers in respect of COVID-19 issues raised with them. There is still the possibility that they may yet respond and put a spanner in the works, but we feel that we do need to go ahead and will deal with that eventuality should it arise.
Inevitably, there are a few strings attached and warnings. A copy of the following notice will be placed on the gates to the park and on the Parish Council noticeboard. It will also be poset on the village Facebook Group.
Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council
The play park is to open as of midday on 10 Jul 2020.
Please be aware that the Parish Council cannot make the park COVID-19 secure. Consequently, all parents/guardians deciding to let their children use the play park accept this and assume any and all liabilities arising from use of the play park in respect of COVID-19.
No specific COVID-19 cleaning measures will be undertaken by, or on behalf of, the Parish Council. The normal, regular safety checks will be undertaken.
Entering the play park signals your assent to the above and the following conditions:
- If anyone in your household/bubble is displaying COVID-19 symptoms, or is awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test, then go home, DO NOT enter the play park;
- All the usual play-park rules on the adjacent signage applies;
- Everyone and anyone using the play park is responsible for cleaning/sanitising the equipment they use BEFORE USE, to their own satisfaction;
- Parents/guardians and children should sanitise their hands before leaving the play park and wash hands with soap and hot water for 20 seconds on return home;
- Keep at least 1 metre social distancing (or at the current distance advised by the government);
- No queuing outside the park for entry, or in the park for equipment;
- No eating, drinking or smoking;
- Please try to only have one parent, guardian or carer with each child to limit the possible spread of infection;
- Consider using face coverings;
- All rubbish, including disposable face coverings or gloves, should be taken home to dispose of rather than being left in the litter bin.
The areas of particular risk assessed by the PC are:
- The Southern Park Entrance: Due to the narrow approach to the park and restricted view both in and out, the Southern gate to the park will remain locked.
- The North gate allows a better view in for those arriving and out for those leaving;
- The Double Swing: Rather than removing one of the swings, only one swing should be used at any one time unless 2 children from the same household/bubble wish to use them;
- The Climbing Frame: The Parish Council does not believe it is credibly possible to disinfect the climbing net, or the tunnel, on this apparatus. However, there are other components that are easier to clean and could be reasonably used. Rather than attempt to seal off the two elements, or close the entire Climbing Frame, the Parish Council intends to leave the apparatus open, but strongly advises parents/guardians to prevent their children from using the climbing net or tunnel.
If it comes to the Parish Council’s attention that social distancing, or other mandatory requirements, are not being observed, the play park will be closed with immediate effect.