A “Meeting of the Parish” will be held in St Peter’s Church on Thursday 26th January. The idea is to capture the concerns of villagers about both of the two routes proposed for the Winterbourne Stoke bypass.
Do we have enough information on which to base a rational choice for either route? If not, what information do we need? How best to flag this up – just to Highways England, or more widely?
What do villagers feel are the key considerations for making a choice?
Whichever route is ultimately selected, we need to identify now which features of either route that don’t appear to work or might cause problems for the village during construction and when complete and indicate to Highways England how they might be mitigated against. Whilst we intend to do this as part of a response from the Parish Council, it is vital that as many individuals as possible from the village respond to the consultation directly themselves.
The Parish Councillors and Clerk will be doorstepping villagers over the next few days to ask a few basic questions and we will base the agenda for the meeting on the responses to those. It will be very short!
STOP PRESS – Broadband News!!!!!
A bit of good news in relation to the village getting broadband. I have just received the following email from Wiltshire Council’s Wiltshire Online:
I can advise that there will be some activity in the area next week as the contractor who will undertake the Mole Ploughing will be completing their final checks along the route. Following on from this further works are scheduled mid-February. Dates to be confirmed following the completion of the route check.